Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
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Allar umsetingar - paolopaolo25

Uppruna mál
Ynskt mál

Úrslit 1 - 6 av okkurt um 6
Uppruna mál
Italskt Potrei insegnarti altre cose che possono...
Potrei insegnarti altre cose che possono servirti: ad esempio: vieni con me in spiaggia a camminare?

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Enskt I could teach you other useful things to you
Uppruna mál
Enskt what a pity, if you didn't we should meet!
what a pity, if you didn't we should meet!

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Italskt che peccato
Uppruna mál
Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
Enskt hello how is your day? thanks for translating me the...
hello how is your day? thanks for translating me the words, could u translate me also: (haha im going to hook up some hot italian guys :D)
- i really like you
- what are u doing tonight?
- i like your sexy ass
and maybe some others that could be useful to hook up an italian guy??? haha thanks for help anyway :):):)

have a nice day!

Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar
Italskt grazie di avermi tradotto...